Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2013

my hip (part 1)

I had a great training on friday, but now there is no training for two weeks. Hate that. I´m not me when I´m not dancing for a while. That´s a little bit strange, but it is something that takes a big part in my life. I always thought that I will never stop dancing but one year ago I had really big problems with my hip. Sometimes in school I wasn´t abel to sit down, because it was hurting that much. So me and my mum went to a doctor and he told us that I have got a "dancer hip". That is when the thigh muscel is to strong. Since then I didn´t know that a muscle can be to strong. I asked, if there is a way to keep dancing and he was screaming at me that he won´t give me medicine for that. When my mum and I went home, I started crying because it was a shock for me and i didn´t want to stop dancing, because it is everything for me. That was before summer vacation, so it was "good", because there is no training in summer. But in the end of the summer the pain haven´t stop...
I will tell you the rest of it tomorrow...

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