Donnerstag, 24. Oktober 2013

hey it´s me

My name is Christine... but my friends call me Stin. I am 16 now and I´m  starting my blog about my dancing carriere. I started dancing when i was five years old, so it has been a part of my life since then. It is one of the things that I don´t want to lose in my life. As important as dancing in my life is my family and my friends-really love them. I only see my family on weekends because I´m at a fashion school and I´m not able to go there every day, so I have got a flat with my best friend. I´m a little sad about the fact that I´m just able to dance on fridays. But then my training is very hard, at least three hours. But there is a new chanche for me to dance when I´m in the town of my school. I started with theater two weeks ago. But in my dancing class I am training for a championship which is in april. In the last three years in this championship we qualified for the world masters in porec in croatia.

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