Sonntag, 27. Oktober 2013

my group

I think we couldn´t be a better group than we are right now. Not in the meaning of competitions but in the meaning of staying together and just be strong as a group. At training we always have a lot of fun. When we are at a competition everybody is looking forward to dance. Often we are so excited that we start to fight with our parents. Last time when we were at the austrian open of ESDU (a club which is organising the World Masters in Croatioa) the sisters in our group started to fight and they were both crying. My mom was shocked, cause normally they don´t fight. They are just like best friends. But they were okay with each other when we started to warm up. Our perfomance was great so we qualified for the World Masters the third time. Then this was the first time we went to the world masters without our trainer, because she was pregnant. But it was fun again to dance, take part in workshops with the best dancers of the world and the jury.
this photo is from our last photoshooting (one year ago)

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