Donnerstag, 31. Oktober 2013

my hip (part 2)

So as the pain didn´t stop and even became worse i went to a hospital to a orthopedist. And he told me that he wants to make a X-ray photograph, so we did this. So we found out that the ending of my thigh bone (hip ball) is to big and that it must be operated, before that he wanted to know cartilage in my hip looks like. So another investigation where i got a 20 cm long needle in my my thigh. Wasn´t funny... I had my operation last december (13.12.2012). I had to walk with crutches for three weeks. Three days after my operation I went to a weeding. But it got better and better. I even celebrated new year with my friends at my palce. Was good fun. Now i have another two problems. First one: I should do the operation on the second side as well (the first one was on the right side), so left side. Second one: My ligament which is over my hip is false in the way it goes over my joint. At every step I take there is a snap in my hip. That is starting to hurt. At the moment I try to fix that problem with stretching (every day). It works it is getting better. I hope that I can cancel my date for my operation. My biggest wish is right now that I can dance as long as I want to, without problems with my hips...

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