Dienstag, 12. November 2013

dance first - think later

I think everybody who loves dancing understands this sentence.


Dienstag, 5. November 2013

Austrian Open

I have been to the Austrian Opens for the first time in april 2011. This was my first year in the competition class and before that I danced in an other group, but they didn´t take place in competitions. So I startad training in september and my trainer told that I have do to a probation until december. She said that I got better in that few months and I started fix in this group. That was the last year that I danced four hours a week. That was just because training of the competition class was on friday (3h) and the other group was on wednesday (1h). Now I am not able to dance in the hobby group( I would love to), but I can´t because my school is in an other town.
The first time I went to the Austrian Opens in Zell am See, I was really excited. We started with one song called "Baiser Sale" a Modern Choreography. I loved it. We won our class and got qualified for the World Masters in Croatia. Every year I am very looking forward to the competition in Zell am See. We really work hard before this competition, but we always have fun to learn and improve our choregraphys.
In april is the next one. So we hope for a qulifikation for Porec again.

Donnerstag, 31. Oktober 2013

my hip (part 2)

So as the pain didn´t stop and even became worse i went to a hospital to a orthopedist. And he told me that he wants to make a X-ray photograph, so we did this. So we found out that the ending of my thigh bone (hip ball) is to big and that it must be operated, before that he wanted to know cartilage in my hip looks like. So another investigation where i got a 20 cm long needle in my my thigh. Wasn´t funny... I had my operation last december (13.12.2012). I had to walk with crutches for three weeks. Three days after my operation I went to a weeding. But it got better and better. I even celebrated new year with my friends at my palce. Was good fun. Now i have another two problems. First one: I should do the operation on the second side as well (the first one was on the right side), so left side. Second one: My ligament which is over my hip is false in the way it goes over my joint. At every step I take there is a snap in my hip. That is starting to hurt. At the moment I try to fix that problem with stretching (every day). It works it is getting better. I hope that I can cancel my date for my operation. My biggest wish is right now that I can dance as long as I want to, without problems with my hips...

Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2013

my hip (part 1)

I had a great training on friday, but now there is no training for two weeks. Hate that. I´m not me when I´m not dancing for a while. That´s a little bit strange, but it is something that takes a big part in my life. I always thought that I will never stop dancing but one year ago I had really big problems with my hip. Sometimes in school I wasn´t abel to sit down, because it was hurting that much. So me and my mum went to a doctor and he told us that I have got a "dancer hip". That is when the thigh muscel is to strong. Since then I didn´t know that a muscle can be to strong. I asked, if there is a way to keep dancing and he was screaming at me that he won´t give me medicine for that. When my mum and I went home, I started crying because it was a shock for me and i didn´t want to stop dancing, because it is everything for me. That was before summer vacation, so it was "good", because there is no training in summer. But in the end of the summer the pain haven´t stop...
I will tell you the rest of it tomorrow...

Sonntag, 27. Oktober 2013

my group

I think we couldn´t be a better group than we are right now. Not in the meaning of competitions but in the meaning of staying together and just be strong as a group. At training we always have a lot of fun. When we are at a competition everybody is looking forward to dance. Often we are so excited that we start to fight with our parents. Last time when we were at the austrian open of ESDU (a club which is organising the World Masters in Croatioa) the sisters in our group started to fight and they were both crying. My mom was shocked, cause normally they don´t fight. They are just like best friends. But they were okay with each other when we started to warm up. Our perfomance was great so we qualified for the World Masters the third time. Then this was the first time we went to the world masters without our trainer, because she was pregnant. But it was fun again to dance, take part in workshops with the best dancers of the world and the jury.
this photo is from our last photoshooting (one year ago)

Donnerstag, 24. Oktober 2013

hey it´s me

My name is Christine... but my friends call me Stin. I am 16 now and I´m  starting my blog about my dancing carriere. I started dancing when i was five years old, so it has been a part of my life since then. It is one of the things that I don´t want to lose in my life. As important as dancing in my life is my family and my friends-really love them. I only see my family on weekends because I´m at a fashion school and I´m not able to go there every day, so I have got a flat with my best friend. I´m a little sad about the fact that I´m just able to dance on fridays. But then my training is very hard, at least three hours. But there is a new chanche for me to dance when I´m in the town of my school. I started with theater two weeks ago. But in my dancing class I am training for a championship which is in april. In the last three years in this championship we qualified for the world masters in porec in croatia.