Samstag, 15. Februar 2014

No training during semester break

This week was the semester break, so we didn't have training aswell. Yesterday was friday the 14th of february, so normally I would have had training, but because of the break I didn't had. I normally hate it when there is no training, but yesterday was okay. My boyfriend came over to watch a film. He brought a bunch of roses and I was really surprised and happy about that.

But to tell you more about dancing. I decided not to play in the theater, because it was to much time I would have lost. So because of that I am not able to dance in the play. But i try support the group as good as I can. They are getting better and better. I really enjoy spending time with them. We are having a great time. I met some people there which are now very good friends of mine. I will tell you about one in my next post.

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