Montag, 20. Januar 2014

Another dancing thing

I was really looking forward to tell you about the following thing. There is a theater group in a school nearby in Hallein were I am for my school education. So I am playing there. It is always so much fun and I love it there. But the best thing about it is that I have the chance to show one of my choreographies there. I don't really know which one I will dance.
The play is about a class which is caught in a day. This day is repeating endless and they want to stop that. They are trying different ways to come out...
So that will be in march. I will try to tell you more about it when I know more.

Freitag, 17. Januar 2014

Austrian Open 2014

In april there is the Austrian Open of the ESDU in Zell am See again. Aswell it is the qualifikation for the Worldmasters in Porec/Croatia. I am really looking forward to that. The training is hard at the moment, but i love it when we are working on our choreography. This year we will start with three songs.
I already feel a bit excieted about going there again, because this year we are only ten people and in the last few years we were nearly twenty people.
At leaste i will keep you up to date... One last thing: if anybody of you has the chance to get to Zell am See and wants to watch good dancers. Come there :)
Here is the link to the ESDU website for more informations about the competition and the categories: