Dienstag, 12. November 2013

dance first - think later

I think everybody who loves dancing understands this sentence.


Dienstag, 5. November 2013

Austrian Open

I have been to the Austrian Opens for the first time in april 2011. This was my first year in the competition class and before that I danced in an other group, but they didn´t take place in competitions. So I startad training in september and my trainer told that I have do to a probation until december. She said that I got better in that few months and I started fix in this group. That was the last year that I danced four hours a week. That was just because training of the competition class was on friday (3h) and the other group was on wednesday (1h). Now I am not able to dance in the hobby group( I would love to), but I can´t because my school is in an other town.
The first time I went to the Austrian Opens in Zell am See, I was really excited. We started with one song called "Baiser Sale" a Modern Choreography. I loved it. We won our class and got qualified for the World Masters in Croatia. Every year I am very looking forward to the competition in Zell am See. We really work hard before this competition, but we always have fun to learn and improve our choregraphys.
In april is the next one. So we hope for a qulifikation for Porec again.